Business Resilience Calculator

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Software Programming |

Some disasters can’t be avoided, but preparation can help businesses bounce back. In the era of COVID-19, many businesses are feeling the strain from closures, supply chain disruptions, and much more. It may even feel like fumbling in the dark trying to find a solid plan to keep a business afloat.

The Business Resilience Calculator (BRC) empowers business owners and operators to make cost-effective resilience investments to reduce losses during a business interruption. The research team crunched the numbers and found 11 tactics that help mitigate the cost of a disaster.

After inputting some specific information about your business, this free tool allows you to choose a disruption scenario and to choose three tactics. Drawing from a deep database, the BRC computes the most likely savings from the various tactics.

This project took some heavy duty calculations. No mathematical challenge is too much for Joe DiGiovanna. Working with the scientists, he got the calculation time reduced to a fraction of where it started.

2wav is all about the user experience, and we appreciate that CIRI gave us free rein. The UI is simple, businesslike, and clear, with just enough text to understand the process.

We are honored to partner with The Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI), a Dept. of Homeland Security Center of Excellence at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, to develop this tool that will help businesses in the time of COVID and beyond.